“We’re continually told that food is causing our digestive problems,” says Van Clayton Powel, author of You Are NOT What You Eat; Better Digestive Health in 7 Simple Steps, “but in many cases, nothing could be further from the truth – it is our damaged digestive systems that are at fault. So that’s where we need to direct our attention.”

Whistler, B.C– As the days grow shorter and the evenings more crisp, many of us look upon the fall as a season of transition, and change … and celebration! But the overindulgence of Thanksgiving dinners, the stockpiles of Halloween candy, and the decadent richness of Christmas fare can make the season an absolute nightmare for millions who suffer from digestive problems. And according to the author of a new book, we`re looking for solutions in the wrong place.
“We’re continually told that food is causing our digestive problems,” says Van Clayton Powel, author of You Are NOT What You Eat; Better Digestive Health in 7 Simple Steps, “but in many cases, nothing could be further from the truth – it is our damaged digestive systems that are at fault. So that’s where we need to direct our attention.”
Powel is a former registered psychiatric nurse and the founder of Mind Body Fitness Inc. who has combined his years of experience on the front-lines of patient care along with his own personal battle with digestive illness to pen an easy-to-understand, ‘how-to’ guide for achieving digestive health. And his light-handed, practical focus on how to eat, rather than what to eat, is being praised by professionals and laypeople alike.
The book teaches a series of simple steps meant to enhance and strengthen digestion to the point that “You can eat almost any food without a problem,” says Powel. And his passion comes from first-hand experience. “I had so many food sensitivities I almost dreaded holiday feasts,” he says. “Now all my digestive problems are gone, and I’m back celebrating with everyone else!”
Powel’s energetic, humorous interviews about You Are NOT What You Eat are increasingly popular on TV, radio and blogs, and he`s currently providing a series of free presentations on digestive health. You can learn more at www.youarenotwhatyoueat.com