Well, yes. A perfect example below:
Tag: digestive health
Frozen food: How to keep it safe
A great summary here on safety issues around freezing and thawing food. Because it doesn’t matter how strong your digestion is if the bugs are really wicked!
C.difficile, for example, and other antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria make toxins that peel the lining of the colon right off the organ and can lead to fatal diarrhea. Yikes! (See chapter 11 in You Are NOT What You Eat; Better Digestive Health In 7 Simple Steps)
Photo by Jonathan Hayward
Whatever the cause of autism, families face tremendous challenges. An inspiring documentary follows a unique approach.
Some researchers believe there is a link between digestive problems and autism. What is certainly striking is the dramatic increase in autism in the last 30 years.
In 1980 it was relatively rare with only one in 10,000 children being diagnosed with it. The rate today? One in 150.
For a unique and inspiring look at what families face and can do, check out the documentary Autism: The Musical and follow 5 LA kids through the writing, rehearsing and performing of their own full-length musical. Very cool.
Vancouver Library Presentation & CKNW Interview
Author of digestion book gives interview on Vancouver radio and free presentation at Vancouver public library.
I’ll be in Vancouver all day tomorrow (Monday April 15th).
In the morning I have an interview with Bill Good on CKNW radio from 10:30 – 11:00 am.
Then tomorrow night I’ll be giving my first presentation in Vancouver (not sure why it’s taken me so long to get to Vancouver ;-)) at the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level, 350 West Georgia St.
The presentation is about an hour, then I’ll open it up for a Q&A. We’ll have some books with us for sale and I’ll be available for questions and signings afterwards.
Would love to see you! Come on out and say Hi.
Tammra Broughton Call-in Show April 9
I’ll be on Tammra Broughton’s online radio show Living Proof Radio on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 5:00pm in PDT.
Go here for more info:
And listeners – enter the draw for one of 2 free copies of the book by filling out the form below! (*Sorry – draw ended.)
WHEN You Eat Important
Interesting to see more studies in the last year corroborating what we talk about in Chapter 9 of the book (and what Ayurvedic medicine from India has been talking about for thousands of years) – eating late at night is not a healthy habit.
Three recent studies focused on the impact of late-eating on weight-loss. But Ayurveda has long said late-eating has a negative impact on all aspects of digestion, and by extension, on every aspect of your health. (Shift workers are at higher risk for a broad range of serious health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.)
And I suspect we will see more research in the coming years confirming what the ancient Asian physicians have been saying about late-night eating for a long time – avoid it! (Remember Chapter 12 though – get your digestion strong enough and the occasional midnight pizza with a nightcap won’t be a problem! Yippee!)
You can read about the studies here:
Amber Strocel Interviews Van Clayton Powel About Digestive Health
I recently did a podcast interview about digestive health with Amber Strocel.
Amber is a “crunchy granola mom and suburbanite … writer, dreamer, storyteller, social media enthusiast and engineer.” In other words, another Amazing Mom!
You can listen to the interview and browse Amber’s blog here:
DIGESTIVE HEALTH: 2 Parts To The Equation
What we eat is half the equation when it comes to digestive health. Just as we shouldn’t ignore the importance of how we eat, nor should we ignore the impact of what we eat. So I watch what I eat and have a particular ‘Home Base’ diet that works well for me.
As I make clear in the book – we are not what we eat – we are only what we digest, what we absorb, what we assimilate.
But does that mean I don’t watch what I eat? Definitely not!
What we eat is half the equation when it comes to digestive health. Just as we shouldn’t ignore the importance of how we eat, nor should we ignore the impact of what we eat. So I watch what I eat and have a particular ‘Home Base’ diet that works well for me. (I believe we all get to find our own dietary approach based upon our personal situation, so I don’t tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t eat.)
And as you know from the book, I also allow myself to temporarily throw my Home-Base healthy diet out the window when I go on ‘Vacation’ (see chapter 12).
But I definitely keep an eye on what I put into my body. So I take note of articles like this one in the New York Times:
See what you think.
“The fact is, organic food has become a wildly lucrative business for Big Food and a premium-price-means-premium-profit section of the grocery store. The industry’s image — contented cows grazing on the green hills of family-owned farms — is mostly pure fantasy. Or rather, pure marketing. Big Food, it turns out, has spawned what might be called Big Organic.”
Digestive Problems In The Workplace – Their Impact And Solutions
The impact of digestive problems in the workplace, for both employers and employees, is covered in interview with Charmaine Hammond on BlogTalkRadio
We took a look at the impact of digestive problems in the workplace for both employers and employees in this half-hour interview with Charmaine Hammond on BlogTalkRadio.
How big is the problem? It’s estimated that up to 50% of us suffer from digestive problems, and it has become the most likely reason we’ll visit a doctor. Imagine the impact on sick time and productivity!
Eating under stress is definitely a huge part of the problem, as is shiftwork, and constant snacking – all of which are addressed in You Are NOT What You Eat. The good news? The solutions aren’t that difficult!
Click link below to listen. (Might take a few moments to load but should then play automatically.)
Let me know if you have any questions and thoughts. Thanks!
GLOBAL TV’s Lynn Colliar interviews Van Clayton Powel, author of “You Are NOT What You Eat”
You can watch the video of Van’s interview with Lynn Colliar on Global TV here:
* ‘GI Johnny’ makes his debut appearance. (‘GI’ for gastrointestinal, and ‘Johnny’ because if your gastrointestinal tract isn’t working correctly, you can end up spending a lot of time in the john!)