With Aamer Haleem on CTV News

Well that was fun! Got up at 5am Monday morning to drive down to Vancouver for an interview with Aamer Haleem on CTV News.

Had a few adventures … reached into my bag when I got there and came out with a hand covered with black ink – my pen had leaked all over my bag. “Permanent ink?” you ask. Yes. Squatting down at the curb on Robson Street, scrubbing away at my hand with tissues and water from my water bottle while the guy sweeping the street looked on.  A moment to remember.

But everyone on the team at CTV Morning Live was wonderful – Andrea, Teresita, Buffy, Kumud, Chris … and Haleem, of course. Who was just as warm and personable in ‘real time’ as he appears on camera.

You can view the interview here