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  •   An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. 
  •   A loss of interest in conflict. 
  •   A loss of the ability to worry. 
  •   Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation. 
  •   Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature. 
  •   A tendency to think and act spontaneously, rather than on fears based on past experiences. 
  •   A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others and judging other people. 
  •   Frequent attacks of smiling. 
  •   An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

~Author Unknown


We want simple explanations for why we get sick. (Probably because we want simple solutions!) And often we want to attach blame to one particular area. But the

We want simple explanations for why we get sick. (Probably because we want simple solutions!)

And often we want to attach blame to one particular area: “It’s what you eat!” It’s where you live.” “It’s your genes.” “It’s how you think”

But the truth is, they all play a role.

An analogy I heard years ago compares the foundation of good health to a chair with four legs. Each leg of the chair represents a different aspect of health – lifestyle, genetics, environment, and the mind.

And when any one of those is out of balance, the chair wobbles and becomes unstable. The more legs out of balance, the more unstable your health.

So you can be eating the most nutritious food in the world, but if you don’t exercise, or live in an environment filled with toxins (like those folks in northern China), or were born with a genetic disorder, or don’t manage a high-stress job effectively, you’re heading for trouble.

So, how do you keep YOUR chair in balance? Anything special you’ve learned that might help others? (Head to our Facebook page if you’re unable to post here.)

Pollution cuts life spans by 5.5 years in north China, study says
“An examination of 20 years of data from across China finds that heavy air pollution is almost exclusively to blame for the drop in life expectancy in the north.” Read the article here:


Van Clayton Powel, author of the digestion book “You Are NOT What You Eat” and being called the ‘Digestion Guy’. returns to Victoria , BC.


  • Wednesday, May 8, 3-4 pm on CFAX 1070 with Terry Moore. Call in with your questions!CFAX 1070 radio
  • Thursday, May 9, 7-8:30 pm, Nellie McLung Library FREE presentation BUT call the library to reserve a spot! (Had to turn people away from both presentations last time in Victoria.)
    3950 Cedar Hill Rd, (250) 477-7111
  • Saturday, May 11, Juan de Fuca Library, 2-3:30 pm (as above)
    1759 Island Highway (West Shore Recreation Centre Complex) (250) 391-0653
  • Two great independent Victoria bookstores that carry the book You Are NOT What You Eat: Bolen Books

and Munro Books

Vancouver Library Presentation & CKNW Interview

Author of digestion book gives interview on Vancouver radio and free presentation at Vancouver public library.

I’ll be in Vancouver all day tomorrow (Monday April 15th).

In the morning I have an interview with Bill Good on CKNW radio from 10:30 – 11:00 am.

Then tomorrow night I’ll be giving my first presentation in Vancouver (not sure why it’s taken me so long to get to Vancouver ;-)) at the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level, 350 West Georgia St.

The presentation is about an hour, then I’ll open it up for a Q&A. We’ll have some books with us for sale and I’ll be available for questions and signings afterwards.

Would love to see you! Come on out and say Hi.


The Wheat Belly Approach; Is Wheat Really The Enemy?

An estimated 30-50% of us suffer from digestive problems.
After the common cold, it has become the most likely reason
we will seek out a doctor. The most popular approach is to
change what we eat (e.g. The book Wheat Belly). And without
a doubt, that can play an pivotal role.

But we’ve been ignoring the other half of the equation – the impact
of how we eat on our digestive health. And that aspect is as critical
to an Olympic athlete as it is to a bed-ridden hospital patient.

It also offers the hope of once again being able to eat almost
anything without a problem. (Hey, I used to think wheat was the
problem, too. Now it’s back on my menu and I’m lovin it!)

The body truly is amazing.

I’ll write more on Wheat Belly soon.

“You Are NOT What You Eat” Mini-Tour of Vancouver Island

Well, so much for posting every week! ;-))

The You Are NOT What You Eat Mini-Tour of Vancouver Island was fantastic – and very busy. Roxanne and I are now back in Whistler  and I have access to my old reliable computer with the regular keyboard and big screen and I’m hoping that now I’ll be able to get posts up regularly. (Why are some of you laughing? ;-))

Our final stop on the tour was Parksville and it was packed – over 75 people –  standing-room only once again despite moving it to Council chambers. And a wonderful crowd. Man, I love the Q & As! Keep ’em comin! (*And feel free to post them here if you can’t make it to one of my presentations.)

Thank you Melissa and Janet for the great organizing. And next time I promise to follow Roxanne’s directions and drive to the correct library.

We might be back on Vancouver Island as soon as November and all venues want us to return (we had standing-room only in Campbell River, Courtenay, and Parksville), so keep checking the website. I’ll be starting to book Fall presentations in the lower Mainland and Vancouver Island asap (yeah, behind on that too) and will post them as soon as booked.

There are also interviews coming up on Talk Radio Europe, TV and some major blogs so I’ll announce those as well.

I’ve been assured that You Are NOT What You Eat is once again available on Amazon.ca after a glitch in the chain of command,  so please let me know if you have any problems ordering from them.

Our distributor Sandhill can also get copies to your local bookstore, healthfood store, spa, (bowling alley? ;-)) wherever you are, so don’t hesitate to ask for it if you don’t see it on the shelf.

Oh, and some of you might have noticed the book has a new subtitle – “Better Digestive Health In 7 Simple Steps”. (Thanks to all who voted in our poll of options!) If you have an original copy – it now has added value – it’s a collector’s item ;-))  There are still a few online sources that might show the old subtitle, but that is all being resolved as the changes work their way through the system.

Drop us a note if you have any questions or requests or would like us to include your town on one of our future tours. Look forward to seeing you soon!


“You Are NOT What You Eat” on the road!

Heading to Vancouver Island next week for one of those multi-purpose visits (family, friends, a little R&R) and will be doing some  presentations as well.  So if you’re going to be in Campbell River, the Comox Valley, Nanaimo or Parksville, please come say Hi!

The presentation in Squamish the other night was wonderful, and as always, the folks attending contributed with some great questions. Thank you all – we’re looking at a return visit in the Fall. Kirsten Ridout of Mountain FM also called me for an interview before the event, so if you want to hear that, click here.

There’ll be some articles coming out in the media on Vancouver Island, so keep an eye out and please send me the link if you find ’em before me. Thanks! (You can email me through the Contact Us page.)

We have been working feverishly on file preparation for an offset printing, the E-book files for Nook, Sony and Apple, and some promo photos to make me look like George Clooney (Mickey Rooney, perhaps? ;-))  and they are just about ready to launch. So if you’ve been waiting for any of those, my apologies – any day now.

You Are NOT What You Eat is now available on Amazon in Canada and Europe (it might say that delivery will take a couple weeks but that is rarely the case). And you can get it on Amazon.com or CreateSpace in the US.

We’ve signed with distributor  for Canada (Sandhill) and they should have copies in early September from our printer. US distribution is coming soon. So if you ask your local bookstore they should be able to order it for you.

And … once all this technical stuff is taken care of, I will have a LOT more time to post and come visit your community. Thanks to all of you who have said such wonderful things about the book. I love hearing from you and will help as much as possible, so please email me from the Contact Us page.

See you soon!

Great Q & A Session at Burnaby Presentation on “You Are NOT What You Eat”

What a great, great crowd at Burnaby Public Library the other night for the presentation on You Are NOT What You Eat! Thanks to everyone for showing up. And to Linton and Rachel and the rest of the staff for helping put it on. (Turns out 60 chairs weren’t enough, so we hope to do it again in the Fall for any of you who weren’t able to get in. Maybe at McGill Branch, too. Stay tuned ;-))

Sorry there’s a bit of a lag on new posts – in the midst of a slew of exciting developments around the book, and seem to be on perpetual catchup. (Adrenaline is much better than caffeine!)

The Q & A portion of the Burnaby presentation was awesome because of the fantastic questions folks asked. I loved it! So if you have any questions, please send ’em to me or post them and I’ll answer asap. We do have an audio recording of most of the evening and getting it converted and posted is … another thing on the To-Do List ;-))

About to get back to some work that had a deadline of yesterday, so hope to return soon. And again, if you have a question, send it on over!