At The Seed Event In Vancouver Saturday, October 13th

Wow, what a week! And it’s about to get better.

You Are NOT What You Eat is going to be at the amazing Seed Event in Vancouver (at the PNE Forum) Saturday October 13 from 9am until 10:30pm. Come find our table and say Hi! (It’s at the PNE Forum.)

Great seminars happening all day. Here’s the list of presenters:

Top 5 Speaker in the World

World Renown Nutrition & Longevity Expert

#1 Trend Forcaster in the World

Western Master of Eastern Wisdom

Leading Intuition Expert

World’s Most In-Demand Healer

Plus a small, exclusive trade fair of like-minded souls.

As they say – “…a unique and powerful all day event bringing you the world’s leading minds in total wellbeing.” Hope to see you there.

A lot more info at their website here.

GLOBAL TV’s Lynn Colliar interviews Van Clayton Powel, author of “You Are NOT What You Eat”

You can watch the video of Van’s interview with Lynn Colliar on Global TV here:

* ‘GI Johnny’ makes his debut appearance. (‘GI’ for gastrointestinal, and ‘Johnny’ because if your gastrointestinal tract isn’t working correctly, you can end up spending a lot of time in the john!)


Global TV Interview This Sunday

Going to be on Global TV Sunday Morning News with Lynn Colliar this Sunday, September 30 at 12:25pm for a short interview about the book. I’ll wave to you all ;-)) (Well, perhaps just imagine that I’m waving to you.)

Arrangements for the interview as well as a flood of other events has kept me from posting Part 2 of Signs And Symptoms. My apologies! It’s coming very soon.

See you soon!

Talk Radio Europe Interview With Van Clayton Powel

Talk Radio Europe Interview With Van Clayton Powel, author of “You Are NOT What You Eat; Better Digestive Health In 7 Simple Steps”

Did an early-morning interview today with Selina McKenzie on Talk Radio Europe.

(15 minutes)

It was about 5am – I should probably give it a listen myself to see if I was coherent! ;-))

Digestive Problems: Signs and Symptoms

… digestive problems in the West are at an all time high. By some estimates, up to 50% of us now suffer from digestive illness. Those who have been battling digestive problems for a while are very familiar with the frustrating range of symptoms. But others might not even realize that what they are
experiencing could very well be the result of a compromised digestive system.

As I discuss in the introduction to You Are NOT What You Eat, digestive problems in the West
are at an all time high. By some estimates, up to 50% of us now suffer from digestive illness.

Those who have been battling digestive problems for a while are very familiar with the frustrating range of symptoms. But others might not even realize that what they are experiencing could very well be the result of a compromised digestive system.

Health care professionals can order a number of tests to assess specific components of your digestive system, such as the amount of hydrochloric acid your stomach is producing. But there are also some classic warning signs that will tell you right now if your digestive system is struggling to do its vitally important job. Here’s a quick list:



  • Feeling tired and lethargic after a meal

  • A lot of gurgling noises after eating

  • Experiencing a lot of gas

  • Feeling bloated after eating

  • An increasing number of food sensitivities*

    (*You experience symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, skin problems, diarrhea, migraines, cramping, nausea, inflammation, or joint pain after eating certain foods.)

  • Frequent bowel movements

  • Loose bowel movements (Or constipation)

  • Undigested food particles in your stool

I’ll start covering each of these in more detail in my next post. But until then, imagine that your
digestion is a fire. (In fact, this is the exact analogy commonly used in many traditional forms of medicine, such as those from China and India. And the hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in your body are very powerful – the hydrochloric acid could burn a hole in your skin and the enzymes can melt a steak into soup!)

Now, picture that fire burning hot and clean and someone adding fuel to it – let’s say the fuel is a bunch of branches. What’s the result? Now picture those same branches being added to a weak, cool fire. What happens this time?

With that in mind, go back through the list of signs and symptoms and see if you can intuitively
sense what’s causing them. And I’ll ‘see’ you soon!

“You Are NOT What You Eat” Mini-Tour of Vancouver Island

Well, so much for posting every week! ;-))

The You Are NOT What You Eat Mini-Tour of Vancouver Island was fantastic – and very busy. Roxanne and I are now back in Whistler  and I have access to my old reliable computer with the regular keyboard and big screen and I’m hoping that now I’ll be able to get posts up regularly. (Why are some of you laughing? ;-))

Our final stop on the tour was Parksville and it was packed – over 75 people –  standing-room only once again despite moving it to Council chambers. And a wonderful crowd. Man, I love the Q & As! Keep ’em comin! (*And feel free to post them here if you can’t make it to one of my presentations.)

Thank you Melissa and Janet for the great organizing. And next time I promise to follow Roxanne’s directions and drive to the correct library.

We might be back on Vancouver Island as soon as November and all venues want us to return (we had standing-room only in Campbell River, Courtenay, and Parksville), so keep checking the website. I’ll be starting to book Fall presentations in the lower Mainland and Vancouver Island asap (yeah, behind on that too) and will post them as soon as booked.

There are also interviews coming up on Talk Radio Europe, TV and some major blogs so I’ll announce those as well.

I’ve been assured that You Are NOT What You Eat is once again available on after a glitch in the chain of command,  so please let me know if you have any problems ordering from them.

Our distributor Sandhill can also get copies to your local bookstore, healthfood store, spa, (bowling alley? ;-)) wherever you are, so don’t hesitate to ask for it if you don’t see it on the shelf.

Oh, and some of you might have noticed the book has a new subtitle – “Better Digestive Health In 7 Simple Steps”. (Thanks to all who voted in our poll of options!) If you have an original copy – it now has added value – it’s a collector’s item ;-))  There are still a few online sources that might show the old subtitle, but that is all being resolved as the changes work their way through the system.

Drop us a note if you have any questions or requests or would like us to include your town on one of our future tours. Look forward to seeing you soon!


“You Are NOT What You Eat” on the road!

Heading to Vancouver Island next week for one of those multi-purpose visits (family, friends, a little R&R) and will be doing some  presentations as well.  So if you’re going to be in Campbell River, the Comox Valley, Nanaimo or Parksville, please come say Hi!

The presentation in Squamish the other night was wonderful, and as always, the folks attending contributed with some great questions. Thank you all – we’re looking at a return visit in the Fall. Kirsten Ridout of Mountain FM also called me for an interview before the event, so if you want to hear that, click here.

There’ll be some articles coming out in the media on Vancouver Island, so keep an eye out and please send me the link if you find ’em before me. Thanks! (You can email me through the Contact Us page.)

We have been working feverishly on file preparation for an offset printing, the E-book files for Nook, Sony and Apple, and some promo photos to make me look like George Clooney (Mickey Rooney, perhaps? ;-))  and they are just about ready to launch. So if you’ve been waiting for any of those, my apologies – any day now.

You Are NOT What You Eat is now available on Amazon in Canada and Europe (it might say that delivery will take a couple weeks but that is rarely the case). And you can get it on or CreateSpace in the US.

We’ve signed with distributor  for Canada (Sandhill) and they should have copies in early September from our printer. US distribution is coming soon. So if you ask your local bookstore they should be able to order it for you.

And … once all this technical stuff is taken care of, I will have a LOT more time to post and come visit your community. Thanks to all of you who have said such wonderful things about the book. I love hearing from you and will help as much as possible, so please email me from the Contact Us page.

See you soon!

Great Q & A Session at Burnaby Presentation on “You Are NOT What You Eat”

What a great, great crowd at Burnaby Public Library the other night for the presentation on You Are NOT What You Eat! Thanks to everyone for showing up. And to Linton and Rachel and the rest of the staff for helping put it on. (Turns out 60 chairs weren’t enough, so we hope to do it again in the Fall for any of you who weren’t able to get in. Maybe at McGill Branch, too. Stay tuned ;-))

Sorry there’s a bit of a lag on new posts – in the midst of a slew of exciting developments around the book, and seem to be on perpetual catchup. (Adrenaline is much better than caffeine!)

The Q & A portion of the Burnaby presentation was awesome because of the fantastic questions folks asked. I loved it! So if you have any questions, please send ’em to me or post them and I’ll answer asap. We do have an audio recording of most of the evening and getting it converted and posted is … another thing on the To-Do List ;-))

About to get back to some work that had a deadline of yesterday, so hope to return soon. And again, if you have a question, send it on over!




You Are NOT What You Eat_3DCoverHello! And welcome to the first blog post for You Are NOT What You Eat!

It’s an exciting, busy time as I transition from talking to my computer for the last 6 months, to thankfully talking with human beings again. (That’s the joy of finishing the research, writing, editing and publishing of a new book, and moving into the realm of telling others about it.)

Early reviews and feedback have been excellent, which is a wonderful reward after so long working in isolation. So please don’t hesitate to let me know your thoughts and ask any questions you might have.

If you’ve read the book, you know how passionate I am about the subject of digestion and its vital role in every aspect of our health. And you also know that much of my passion was born out of my own chronic digestive problems – problems that are now a distant memory!

The road to digestive health for me was a long arduous journey that literally took me around the world. The solutions I found fit perfectly with the latest medical science. And as a former nurse trained in the Western medical model, that was important to me.

But the solutions have nothing to do with what to eat, and everything to do with how we eat. And it turns out this approach to digestive problems has been used in the ancient medical systems of Asia for thousands of years.

My education in the Western medical model taught me the value of double-blind, peer-reviewed, randomized studies. But my training in Japan and India taught me the value of thousands of years of clinical experience. Somewhere between the two is where I found the road to the vibrant health and energy I enjoy today. And those of you who know the frustration of digestive problems like I do,  know what a remarkable feeling it is to be healthy again!

As we begin this journey together, I hope you’ll share your experiences so that others might benefit. And again, please let me know if you have any questions.

With every good wish!
